In comparison with the ports in northern Germany, the Netherlands, or Belgium, the path through the Port of Koper to the key Central European hubs (Munich, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava) is 2000 nautical miles shorter by sea and 500 km by land.
Koper’s proximity to the Suez Canal offers a major advantage over northern European ports.
Transit time: Far East – Port of Koper = 24 - 30 days
Road and rail distances to selected European cites:
Koper–Bern: 750 km
Koper–Milan: 450 km
Koper–Munich: 500 km
Koper–Prague: 800 km
Koper–Vienna: 490 km
Koper–Bratislava: 550 km
Koper–Budapest: 560 km
Koper–Zagreb: 240 km
Koper–Belgrade: 630 km