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  • A Szállítmányozó pénzt és időt megtakarító üzleti partner.
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42-es eljáráskóddal végzett vámeljárás

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  • egyszerűsített vámeljárás lehetősége (HU)
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42-es eljáráskóddal végzett vámeljárás

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40-es eljáráskóddal végzett vámeljárás

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  • egyszerűsített vámeljárás lehetősége (HU).
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Kiviteli vámkezelés

Kiviteli vámkezelés

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  • egyszerűsített árutovábbítás lehetősége (PP).
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Hírek és közlemények

3. október 2024

Interview with our Director - Future in logistics and business digitalization

Interview with our Director - Future in logistics and business digitalization
This time, we are publishing an interview with our Director, Dejan Sušnik, in the GZS – Glas Gospodarstva magazine. 


Read about how our company is tackling challenges in logistics, business digitalization, and what the future of business holds. 


How has your company's business changed in light of digitalization in recent years?

The gradual implementation of digitalization into the core business processes has been ongoing for more than a decade, although we were aware of its importance much earlier, as RCM is a freight forwarding company with over 30 years of tradition. Through the gradual introduction of digitalization, the critical aspects of the business, such as the connection between customs departments and the financial accounting department, have become more efficient and flexible. By integrating various software tools, we have achieved faster and more accurate execution of tasks, which is critical for handling customs formalities.

In recent years, RCM has undergone a profound digital transformation. Digital technologies have significantly increased the efficiency of our business processes. Automating numerous operations, from order processing to shipment tracking, has reduced the possibility of errors and accelerated processing times. We have also implemented e-archiving for all documents, providing transparent oversight and quicker document retrieval. Additionally, we have transitioned to fully electronic document exchange, simplifying communication with our partners and clients. With the use of data analytics, we have gained valuable insights into our operations, allowing us to better understand the needs of our customers and respond more quickly to market changes. Integration with our partners' various systems enables us to coordinate better within the global supply chain and optimize the entire logistics process.

Digital transformation has thus improved the quality of our services, customer satisfaction, and our competitiveness in the market.


How much do you invest in digitalization?

RCM continuously allocates a significant portion of its investment funds to digitalization. Investments in this area include the purchase of the latest software and hardware, as well as ongoing employee training. Although we do not disclose exact figures, investments in digitalization and cybersecurity are undoubtedly one of our key strategic priorities. 


Do you believe that artificial intelligence will impact business operations in the logistics sector?

 Artificial intelligence will, and already is, having a revolutionary impact on the logistics sector, as well as on our operations at RCM.

Numerous software tools allow us to better forecast future demand, optimize transportation routes, and automate many routine tasks. This enables us to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and better adapt to the needs of our customers. At RCM, we are already experimenting with using artificial intelligence to detect hidden patterns in data, helping us better understand our customers and their needs. With the help of artificial intelligence, we can further personalize our services and respond proactively to market changes.

At RCM, we actively monitor the latest development trends in artificial intelligence and seek new ways to integrate it into our operations. I believe that in the future, artificial intelligence will play a key role in shaping logistics through automation and supply chain optimization, smart warehouses, autonomous vehicles, and more, enabling us to be even more competitive in the global market.


What would a unified entry window, similar to that already used in maritime transport, mean for your company and your sector?

Last year, FURS (Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia) provided information about a proposal to establish an EU Customs Data Hub. Certainly, a unified EU customs single window would be highly welcomed and would facilitate international data exchange. It is a digital platform that would centralize the exchange of customs data between member states, companies, and customs authorities. This hub would have significant effects on the flow of goods and data, reduce administrative burdens, and strengthen security and transparency in customs oversight.

For RCM and other companies that generate most of their revenue through customs brokerage, such a digital platform would help reduce discrepancies in the customs declaration processes between different countries. Due to the centralization and standardization of data, this hub would contribute to the automation of customs procedures, reducing the need for manual data entry, minimizing errors, and speeding up customs clearance. It would enable better tracking of goods across different member states and improve the traceability of customs procedures. This would reduce the risk of fraud, such as customs evasion, and increase transparency and efficiency in monitoring the flow of goods, significantly mitigating the risks we face as customs agents for EU importers of goods.