

8. novembre 2024

New Rules for Wood Imports into the EU: What This Means for Importing Companies

New Rules for Wood Imports into the EU: What This Means for Importing Companies

The EU Fights Against Deforestation!

As of June 29, 2023, new regulations (EU Regulation 2023/1115) apply to the import of forest products into the European Union. The goal? To reduce deforestation and protect our environment.




What Does This Mean for Importing Companies?

  • Increased Transparency: Detailed procedures and obligations for all who import wood and wood products.
  • New Systems: A sectoral information system, SW-CERTEX, will be introduced for due diligence declarations in the future.
  • Gradual Implementation: Changes will be introduced gradually, allowing companies time to adapt.


Key Dates:

  • Now: Customs authorities are not yet enforcing control but are preparing. Monitoring measures will be established through the TARIC system.
  • From December 30, 2024: Mandatory submission of due diligence declarations begins.
  • From June 30, 2028: Automatic verification of declarations via the SW-CERTEX system.


What Can You Do?

  • Stay Informed: Follow updates on our website
  • Connect with Us: For more information, contact us at


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